Construction: Drones to Save Time, Money and Keep Your Projects On Schedule

Everyone in the construction business has been frustrated by unforeseen work which has made the project costly. This is why it is essential to routinely monitor projects, keep track of documents and keep stakeholders and clients aware of the status of the project.

Data indicates that more than half of typical construction projects finish late and over budget.

Drones make tracking and managing assets and communicating progress at any stage easier and cheaper than ever before. Drones that feature mounted cameras can provide video footage to facilitate communication and surveillance.

Having updated aerial imagery helps align the team and subcontractors and allows companies to keep tabs on employees and workers and are considered an increasingly invaluable tool for superintendents and investors.

Drone photography/mapping for construction makes it more accurate, faster and less expensive than traditional methods. This is especially true when it comes to surveying, monitoring, managing and measuring the progress of a project.

Drone photography can improve the owner’s visibility. It can be used to help owners visualize the final project, and see how the project is progressing throughout the building project.

Drone data throughout the entire lifecycle of projects is extremely important. Weekly drone maps reduce the amount of time spent walking a site to monitor progress and inspect for issues of safety. Flying each week provides consistency and creates a comprehensive visual record of a project and thus captures its progress. This helps everyone to keep up-to-date on any changes to the job site.

Because drones make it possible to communicate in real time with the latest information from a job site, days—even weeks—can be cut off your project timeline and improve the way your team communicates.


In the future, drones will take on even more integral tasks involved in large projects. They are ready to significantly cut the time it takes to build skyscrapers and thus drastically cut costs.

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