
BVLOS Waiver Approved For Drone Reforesting Fleet

Reforestation company, DroneSeed — a company that uses fleets of drones to reforest areas burned in wildfires — received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for its drones to operate Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS), in October, 2020.  This approval means the company can begin to reforest large areas over larger distances than […]

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Drones Are Capable of Tracking Endangered Animals For Ecologists

Ecologists are looking to Australian-made drone technology to help in tracking endangered animals. The autonomous drones can reach areas easily and efficiently by marking the location of the animals without having to follow them. For more than 20 years, Dr. Debbie Saunders has been focusing her studies on endangered animals as she has specifically studied

Drones Are Capable of Tracking Endangered Animals For Ecologists Continue Reading »

How Drones Are Used In Forestry Conservation

One of the domains by which the use of drones is expanding significantly is the forestry sector, where drones serve as a useful, even revolutionary, tool for the forest industry. Just as the military has, and is, using drones to assist them in military battles, drones are now being used in a battle over the

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Tree Planting: Tech Company Promises to Plant 1 Billion Trees by 2028 with Drones

Tree Planting: Canadian scientists plan to help fight climate change by using drones to plant one billion trees by 2028! Is this just wishful thinking, or is it a very ambitious, but realistic, challenge and goal? Flash Forest is the company that is in the forefront of this reforestation plan, using drone data to determine

Tree Planting: Tech Company Promises to Plant 1 Billion Trees by 2028 with Drones Continue Reading »

Drones Protect Our Environment, But How?

Drones are not only used to protect our environment and saving our planet, but they have saved many lives as they have become famous for their dangerous missions. These missions include measuring radioactivity in nuclear disaster zones, flying military missions in war zones, collecting biological samples from wild animals, detecting and deterring illegal animal poaching,

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