Drones Use Phone Signals for Search and Rescue missions, making it easier and better for us!
Search and rescue drones are hardly new to seeking and finding missing persons, whether during the day or at night, since drones can be equipped with thermal imaging equipment.
But thermal imaging is not the solution to every challenge.
Lifeseeker is an innovative airborne system which is capable of locating mobile phones accurately, even in areas without network coverage and under difficult weather conditions.
His new technological system takes advantage of the incredible social impact that mobile communication technologies have had in recent years.
This system has great potential for saving lives in disasters such as earthquakes, avalanches, etc. when people may be buried under rubble, earth, snow and ice, dense foliage and areas such as jungels.
In order to turn a mobile phone into an emergency beacon capable of leading rescue teams to its exact location, the new technology needs to join cell phone signals to search and rescue missions by using either helicopters or one of the smaller options, such as one of the versions of drones.
This system does not require collaboration with the missing persons to be able to locate them. It requires no collaboration of the service providers at any point in the process and is not bounded by the type of network in place as it works in areas where there is no signal.
Not only is it much less expensive to use a drone instead of a helicopter, but in some situations, such as at night or adverse weather conditions where there is low visibility, helicopters would be grounded. Lifeseeker also is able to provide a communication channel between the missing person and the rescue team.
Search and rescue is clearly one of the most effective services that drones provide!