The Impact of Drones on Real Estate

When it comes to real estate, a picture is definitely worth a thousand words!

Yet, less than 3% of homes listed today have aerial pictures.

Why wouldn’t everyone who is trying to sell his house prefer to offer potential buyers an aerial view of his property?

But getting that picture was not always so easy.

Fortunately, we have emerged from the days when it was not so easy to have an aerial image, because the options were either to hire a professional helicopter pilot or have the know-how to assemble electrical components and solder wires, set up a flight computer and integrate a camera.

Major Leaps in Drone Technology

With major leaps forward in drone technology, comes change in the way people are marketing and selling products and services in various types of industries, and real estate is no exception.

In today’s fierce real estate markets, those who do not offer the services of a drone will have little, if any, chance to rise above the competition.

Now that more and more real estate agents have access to aerial photos and videos through drones, homebuyers and sellers are changing the way they expect to interact with real estate listings.

What better way is there for a salesman to try to acquire the services of a seller than to offer dramatic eye-catching photos and videos? After all, first impressions often make the difference between a sale or not.

In marketing real estate, you’re not only trying to get people’s attention, but you are also trying to get them to spend more time looking at the property. And again, this is where drones are so helpful. Who wouldn’t want to spend some extra time if that means looking at spectacular aerial views of the home and property?

Drone Tour

Drone tour is one of the most impressive ways to make a person’s property stand out and attract new listings. It is no wonder that it has become increasingly common for property listings to be accompanied by a drone tour. Listing agents of residential properties can use drones to create beautiful video tours of their properties. Using a drone to capture video footage of particularly large properties also makes it easier to capture areas that may be somewhat difficult to reach on foot during a showing.

Marketing & Home Inspections

It is now possible to survey land and gather information at job sites. Realtors, developers, and builders are using drones not only to gather video and imagery for marketing materials to assist the selling process, but drones are also used for home and building inspection, which saves inspectors time, energy, and liability.

Experience & Quality

If someone is offering their drone services, requiring a demo reel of properties they have photographed and filmed is a must. That person’s website should also be looked at to make sure it measures up to high standards.

If a drone operator is hired, it is also vital that such a person has liability insurance in the event something goes wrong and they damage the house you are trying to sell.


It is estimated that, in 2-5 years, every online home listing will include aerial pictures.

Until recently, drone photos and videos have been used primarily with upper-middle class homes and upper-class mansions, but it will not be long before they also show up in middle-class homes, which will broaden the market extensively.

Now is the time to get a head-start because aerial listings not only increase the perceived value of the home, but also the perceived value of the realtor ‘s services.

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