Kespry, a California-based company providing Aerial intelligence and is launching drone updates focused on inspection drone solutions during the summer of 2020.
Haul Roads
A haul road (also called “haulage road” or “haul track”) is a term for roads designed for heavy or bulk transfer of materials by haul trucks in the mining industry. The term is used in the mining industry and can refer to roads that are inside mining operations, such as open-cut and surface mines.
These haul roads are complex because of the extreme weight for which they have to provide the foundation. Therefore they need to be carefully designed so that these roads can be faster and the worksites can be safer and more efficient.
Kespry inspection drones are also able to monitor the roads and alert those in charge when an area needs attention.
DJI Phantom 4 RTK Inspection Drone Support
The DJI Phantom 4 RTK is now supported by the Kespry inspection drone system which offers the drone as part of its standard fleet. This is a package that includes the Aerial Intelligence platform and acclaimed customer support and service, including base station and network solution.
This “end-to-end solution” is designed to encourage customers to get started flying, as well as gaining insights as rapidly as possible. In addition, Kespry also supports the DJI Phantom 4 RTK as part of its program, “Bring Your Own Drone,” thereby enabling companies with their own DJI Phantom 4 RTK fleets to incorporate them with the Kespry platform.
Hail Detection
Kespry, known for its hail detection capabilities, now is able to deliver even greater accuracy than ever before. This enables them to alleviate the inspection drone analytics, which has been a false positive issue inherent in many of the industry’s systems.
Third-Party Inspection Support
Kespry is now able to provide flexibility for companies as to how they source their aerial data, that is, whether they use a Kespry managed fleet, third-party pilot service providers, or their own drone hardware. Furthermore, Kespry customers can avail themselves of global pilot networks to fly their missions and have results in 48-72 hours by working with providers such as Dronebase.
George Mathew. CEO of Krespy, assures drone enthusiasts with the following words of support::
“Kespry is committed to continually innovating and delivering Aerial Intelligence enhancements that meet our customers’ exacting needs.
When customers work with Kespry, they’re not just benefiting from the industry’s leading platform, they also play a key role in telling us how they’d like it to iterate as they continue expanding their usage. Our Summer 2020 release specifically addresses their high expectations of us. We’re incredibly pleased to collaborate with them and help make their operations more productive and profitable than ever.”*
Kespry’s release of inspection drone updates goes a long way in focusing and finding inspection drone solutions and the mutual support that companies, such as DJI and Kespry, point the way for a very hopeful future in the drone industry.